Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Alpha, Bravo, Charlie...

One night I was talking to my Army expert (Louis) and we somehow started talking about the Army alphabet. Well, after many stupid guesses on my part I listened to him rattle off the Army alphabet. I was impressed to say the least. So yesterday at work I tried to recall all the words like I was back in high school practicing for a vocab test. Well, needless to say I rock and have the whole thing memorized, so please let me enlighten you:

alpha, bravo, charlie, delta, echo, foxtrot, golf, hotel, india, juliet, kilo, lima, mike, november, oscar, papa, quebec, romeo, sierra, tango, uniform, victor, whiskey, x-ray, yankee, and zulu.

Don't be surprised if Louie and I only talk in code from now on.


Dominique James said...

this made me laugh and im sick, good job :)

Ms. Thomas said...

jenerator. i won't be home for thanksgiving, but i'll be home for christmas. let's plan a girls night of some sort. maybe we could incorporate making a music video.

The Daily Haley said...

haha i would call u a nerd, but i tried learning both the army and the police one from my dad. i succeeded in only making up my own.