Tuesday, October 21, 2008

How Cool Is THIS?!

So every night around 9 or 10 I get online to check my "dailys." These include emails, myspace, facebook, cnn.com, bank accounts (yikes!), and finally my favorite: BBC 'Day in Pictures.' For those of you looking for something new to add to your favorites, add that site! Crazy, cool pictures taken from all over the world for that day. Tonight I came across this one, and I think it is so cool! KICK VOLLEYBALL! Are you kidding me? How come all the other countries have these cool sports? And how in the world can you bend your body to kick the ball over the net? I'm amazed. (By the way this is dedicated to my friend Sarah, who without doubt during a volleyball game will kick the ball and yell out that it's a legal hit! Got to love it!)

The match is between Burma and Thailand (Whit and Bret's two true loves)

1 comment:

Bret Baker said...

watching this sport was by far my favorite thing to do in thailand.