Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Vote or Die

I have been doing a lot of thinking about this up coming election and have made a few observations which I would like to share with all of you. I heard someone saying the other day that this election will probably be the most important one of our lifetime. Suddenly I switched my thinking from being annoyed and opinionated to being passionate and excited! It is so exciting to hear everyone becoming so vocal about the issues that are the most important to them, even if I personally don't agree. So I say, keep writing, keep talking, and keep thinking about all of the issues facing our country! Change is what we need (no matter who's "change" you agree with)! So as P.Diddy preaches "Vote or Die," I strongly urge you to choose the first and be part of the change you wish to see in the world.

Ok those last few words were stolen from Gandhi but I think they're awesome.

1 comment:

whatthehaleman said...

i love you. you're awesome.

and i love that you're blogging.
