Sunday, October 12, 2008

The jen-erator!

Hello friends! So I am joining the many friends of mine who blog about the newest happenings in their lives. Reading random and entertaining blogs have brought so much fun to my evenings, that I thought I would finally return the favor! First off, let me explain the name, "jen-erator" You see many years ago I was sitting at Red Robin with some super cool people and we were talking about Gladiator names. I thought we were trying to come up with our own Gladiator names, so I excitedly said, "The JEN-erator!" I thought I was being super clever and all original because you know I'm Jen and it's a play on words, etc... It turns out no one else was thinking about new names, yet they were trying to recall past Gladiators! Soooo anyway, Lou and I were reminiscing about this memory a few weeks ago, and I thought it would only be appropriate to share it with the thousands of people this blog will reach! :) And plus, I think I'm funny, and now hopefully you do to!!


whatthehaleman said...

Yes! Jen, we're so excited!!! Can't wait to read all of your amazing blos.
-The Dave-erator

whatthehaleman said...

BLOGS!!!, that was supposed to be "blogs" not "blos." Akward turtle

Dominique James said...

YAY! i love how everyone is blogging now, haha. hooray to a new blog:) can't wait for more posts!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jen,

Welcome to the world of blogging. As long as your blog won't involve cats or heartwarming stories, I'm all for it. :)

p.s. NObama!